CyberCrime & Doing Time: Vietnam's Massive CAPTCHA crackers vs. Microsoft DCU

In part, the article discusses MS-DCU's case against the hackers that they call Storm-1152.
According to DCU, Storm-1152 used their CAPTCHA-cracking capabilities to assist other criminals in the massive creation of Microsoft email accounts, such as Hotmail and Outlook accounts.
Amy shares that the group is based in Vietnam and names three of their operators: Duong Dinh Tu, Linh Van Nguyễn, and Tai Van Nguyen.
Some example code is still on github that illustrates how these massive CAPTCHA solvers were used.
FunCaptcha is the tool created by Arkose Labs which is currently used by Microsoft to confirm that emails are only created by humans.
Github user HecTran12 shares code that links to the now-seized-by-Microsoft website 1stcaptcha[.
Clearly the USERS of Outlook Gen, based on the forks, included many people from many parts of the world.
This relies on his TikTok Slider CAPTCHA Solver, which he claims has 100% accuracy in defeating the TikTok captcha.
Only reCAPTCHA v2 is experiencing more cracks per minute.
Arkose should be pleased that they are one of the most expensive CAPTCHAs to solve.
Their website claims that they are helping disadvantaged workers around the world.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Sun, 31 Dec 2023 04:43:05 +0000

Cyber News related to CyberCrime & Doing Time: Vietnam's Massive CAPTCHA crackers vs. Microsoft DCU