Don't Let AI Adoption Outpace Due Diligence

Our objective is to present different viewpoints and predictions on how artificial intelligence is impacting the current threat landscape, how PAN protects itself and its customers, as well as implications for the future of cybersecurity.
Large language models trained on massive data sets will help organizations work smarter and faster with fewer people.
As we'll see in the coming months, the rapid rate of tool development and adoption will outpace due diligence, exposing them to unanticipated risks and unintended consequences.
First, the good news: AI really can transform cybersecurity.
ChatGPT-style interfaces will help SOC analysts answer questions more quickly and accurately about threats, vulnerabilities and anomalies.
Silos will be broken down for a more unified view of the attack surface.
AI will also play a valuable role in democratizing cybersecurity.
We're going to have a big 'uh-oh' moment because many companies are rushing things to market so quickly that they may be overlooking something in the data or the data models.
As vendors and organizations pump data into their models, it's easy to become complacent in the vision and lose sight of the particulars.
The real acceleration of AI comes if your model can see all the data it needs to.
The vision of detection and prevention that many organizations have, at this stage of AI development, have remained works in progress.
We continue to press on with innovation, but the implementation of these technologies are not yet as quick as many may think or hope.
Each implementation of AI-enhanced detection and prevention platforms still takes hundreds of hours of onboarding, playbook creation and fine-tuning to genuinely reap the advertised benefits.
Organizations that overestimate the current state of automation may be doing more harm than they realize.
In the longer term, AI may not only empower junior cybersecurity personnel or supplement their ranks but take on higher-level roles in its own right.
In that sense, the best way for CISOs to properly prepare for their implementation of AI is to never forget the importance of due diligence with any new addition to your SOC. Think about the time to implement the technology for new business segments, such as acquisitions, and augment your playbooks with flows for data that may not make it into the SIEM for analysis because of cost/bandwidth trade-offs.
If your organization is leaning into the implementation of these incredibly powerful platforms, be sure to enable your SOC to still have success for the occasional issue that falls outside of them.
Running table top scenarios that break the mold of the playbook and supporting continuous education around digital forensics and incident response are cornerstone components to mitigate the risks of SOC dumbification.
If those aren't viable for your organization, at least ensure you have a quality incident response partner on retainer to assist in times of need.
From being vigilant about blind spots and realistic about automation, to preserving vital institutional expertise, the success of AI-powered cybersecurity will depend on the mindfulness and judgment of the personnel flipping the switch.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Wed, 03 Jan 2024 15:43:04 +0000

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