Investing in Africa's Clean Energy Transition

Among our vision, we see the transition to clean energy not just as a necessity, but as a catalyst for inclusive growth and digital innovation.
Africa's energy landscape is confronting a critical shortfall, with roughly 600 million people in sub-Saharan Africa still lacking electricity, accounting for over 80% of the global population living without electricity​​​​.
Due to the impracticalities of expanding grids due to geographical and financial constraints, the focus has shifted towards distributed energy resources.
Microgrids, and off-grid solutions are not just alternatives but necessities, particularly in reaching remote and rural communities with affordable and cost-effective energy solutions.
Mini grids could help us achieve the ambitious UN Sustainable Development Goal 7, which aims for universal energy access by 2030.
Technology and digital solutions are central to this endeavor, as they enable the efficient and effective adoption of renewable energy sources, crucial for closing Africa's extensive energy gap.
Internet of Things solutions are also essential in enhancing the efficiency and scalability of distributed energy resources, such as off-grid systems, solar panels, and storage solutions.
These technologies enable real-time monitoring and management of energy assets, thereby optimizing energy distribution and consumption.
The Cisco Foundation is eager to support the potential of information and communication technologies, including IoT and software-enabled off-grid energy, to support the climate transition.
Enter our new portfolio investees, SHYFT Power and Jaza Energy.
SHYFT Power is pioneering the use of IoT to efficiently manage energy resources, while Jaza Energy is innovating by integrating solar-powered hubs with telecommunications towers.
These initiatives illustrate the powerful synergy between connectivity and energy, which play a pivotal role in empowering underserved communities and contributes to a more connected and sustainable future in Africa.
SHYFT Power Solutions, a 2017 Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge recipient emerging from Stanford University, is transforming energy management in Nigeria, and has become a key player in the Cisco Foundation investment portfolio.
Their advanced platform integrates various power sources to improve energy efficiency and encourage clean energy adoption.
SHYFT's approach is pivotal in reducing carbon emissions and serves as a standard in the management of distributed energy resources.
Jaza Energy, another new investment portfolio company, is revolutionizing clean energy access in Tanzania and Nigeria with its solar hubs.
In Tanzania, 66% of households still use kerosene for energy needs.
Jaza's impactful partnership with IHS Towers, one of the world's largest owners, operators and developers of shared communications infrastructure, integrates energy with telecommunication services, extending its reach.
The Foundation's work reflects Cisco's strength as a tech leader; its purpose to Power an Inclusive for All; and its strategic environmental sustainability priorities to accelerate clean energy adoption, transition to a circular model, and invest in resilient ecosystems.
By supporting climate ventures like SHYFT Power and Jaza Energy and pre-seed innovation platforms like The Catalyst Fund, the Cisco Foundation invests in a vision of a regenerative future where connectivity, advanced technologies and sustainability coalesce to power inclusive growth in Africa​​.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 19:28:04 +0000

Cyber News related to Investing in Africa's Clean Energy Transition