One Day in the Life of EFF's Activism Team

EFF's activism team includes experienced issue experts, master communicators, and grassroots organizers who help to coordinate and orchestrate EFF's activist campaigns that include but go well beyond litigation, technical analyses and solutions, and direct lobbying to legislators.
I then work on a piece of writing of my own, documenting the case of Alaa Abd El Fattah, an Egyptian technologist, blogger, and EFF supporter who's been imprisoned on and off for the past decade.
When we work internationally, we always consult or partner with local groups to make sure that we're working toward the best outcome for the local population.
A lot of the partners we work with in another region of the world prefer to organize there for reasons of safety, and there's been a cyberattack on a local media publication.
After handling some administrative tasks, it's time for the meeting of the international working group.
Giving a statement to the press requires a brief huddle between me, EFF's press director, and other lawyers, technologists, and activists who have worked on our Ring campaign over the last few years.
Tomorrow, I'll follow up on many of the plans made over the course of this day: I'll need to send out a mass email to EFF supporters in the Bay Area rallying them to join in the fight against Proposition E, and review new federal legislation to see if it offers enough reform of Section 702 that EFF might consider supporting it.
Much of my job coordinating our state legislative work requires speaking with like-minded organizations across the country.
Some groups on the call focus on one state; others, like EFF, work in multiple states.
Our groups may not agree on every bill, but we're all working toward a world where companies must respect our privacy by default.
Many companies pushing weak AI regulation make software that monitors employees, so this work has connected me to a universe of labor advocates I've never gotten to work with before.
I've learned so much from them, both about how AI affects working conditions and about the ways they organize and mobilize people.
Working in coalitions shows me how different people bring their strengths to a broader movement.
The one constant is that I get to work with passionate people, at EFF and outside of it, who want to make the world a better place.
Days typically start with morning rituals that keep me grounded as a remote worker: I wake up, make coffee, put on music.
They're working on a coalition letter EFF can sign, so I send it along to our street level surveillance team, schedule a meeting, and reach out to aligned groups in PDX. Next up is a policy meeting on consumer privacy.
With whatever time I have left, I'll then work on Surveillance Self-Defense, our guide to protecting you and your friends from online spying.
Today, I'm working through updating several of our encryption guides, which means chatting with our resident encryption experts both on the legal and PIT teams.
We love giving people a picture of the work we do on a daily basis at EFF to help protect your rights online.
If you'd like to join us on the EFF Activism Team, or anywhere else in the organization, check out opportunities to do so here.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Tue, 14 May 2024 20:43:05 +0000

Cyber News related to One Day in the Life of EFF's Activism Team