Ransomware's appetite for US healthcare sees known attacks double in a year

Following the February 21 attack on Change Healthcare, scores of people in the US have been living with the brutal, real-world effects of ransomware.
It has also created skyrocketing pharmacy bills, pushed some healthcare providers to the edge of insolvency, and led some small practices offering chemotherapy to warn that they are just weeks from turning patients away.
They are always damaging and they always cause pain, but when they hit the healthcare system, the consequences-particularly the risk to life-are often more immediately obvious and shocking.
From time to time individual ransomware gangs will grandstand and say they don't or won't hit hospitals, but the truth is that healthcare has always been a major target.
In the last 12 months, known ransomware attacks on US targets have increased an enormous 101% year-on-year, but attacks on healthcare have outpaced even that, increasing 137%. 70% of all known attacks on healthcare happen in the US. This relentless assault has made healthcare the second most attacked sector in the US, where it accounts for 9% of known attacks.
In the same period, healthcare accounted for just 3% of known attacks in the rest of the world.
The stark difference between the US and everywhere else may reflect the enormous size of the US healthcare market, or it could be the result of deliberate targeting.
Given its unmatched global footprint, it's no suprise that LockBit was responsible for more attacks on US healthcare than any other ransomware group in the last year.
LockBit is the most widely used ransomware in the world, and tops the list of most active groups across a wide variety of different countries and industry sectors.
What is most striking about attacks on US healthcare though is the number of different gangs involved.
In the last year, 36 different ransomware groups are known to have attacked US healthcare targets, and, unusually, the combined contribution of gangs making just a few attacks each vastly outweighs the efforts of big gangs like LockBit and ALPHV. It's easy to see why so many ransomare gangs might be drawn to the sector: US healthcare companies are custodians of people's most private data, guardians of their health, and part of a marketplace worth trillions of dollars.
In other words, healthcare isn't just another industry sector, either for the people who use it, or the people who prey on it.
It is a special case, and there is an argument for saying that attacks on organisations like Change Healthcare should be treated like an attack on critical infrastructure.
The last attack on US critical infrastructure, against Colonial Pipeline in 2021, was met with an immediate and ferocious response.
Knowing that, perhaps it's not a surprise that the attack on Change Healthcare was one of the ALPHV gang's last acts before it disappeared in a sloppily exectuted exit scam.
Use endpoint security software that can prevent exploits and malware used to deliver ransomware.
Use EDR or MDR to detect unusual activity before an attack occurs.
Deploy Endpoint Detection and Response software like ThreatDown EDR that uses multiple different detection techniques to identify ransomware, and ransomware rollback to restore damaged system files.
Keep backups offsite and offline, beyond the reach of attackers.
Once you've isolated the outbreak and stopped the first attack, you must remove every trace of the attackers, their malware, their tools, and their methods of entry, to avoid being attacked again.

This Cyber News was published on www.malwarebytes.com. Publication date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:43:05 +0000

Cyber News related to Ransomware's appetite for US healthcare sees known attacks double in a year