Riot Games Refuses to Give in to Hackers' Ransom Demand

Gaming giant Riot Games recently experienced what it calls a “security incident” in which hackers demanded a ransom in exchange for the release of its data. Riot refused to pay and took measures to protect its employees and customers. The company is working with the FBI and other law enforcement to investigate the attempted data breach. Riot Games is known for its wildly popular online games such as League of Legends and Valorant and has millions of players around the world. Recently, hackers attempted to penetrate its security systems and demanded payment in exchange for not releasing sensitive customer data. Riot Games refused to pay the ransom, earning praise from the cybersecurity community. According to Brian Krebs, a cybersecurity expert and award-winning journalist, “Any company that pays a ransomware demand not only encourages such behavior but also risks making itself a target for the same or similar attackers in the future.” Companies that take a firm stance and don’t pay ransoms can be a strong deterrent to cybercriminals and prevent future ransomware attacks. The security incident highlights the importance of taking comprehensive security precautions to protect sensitive customer data. Companies like Riot Games must also ensure they have sufficient resources to respond quickly and effectively if they face a breach. This includes having an incident response plan in place, as well as having a team dedicated to cybersecurity education and awareness. Riot Games also worked with other legal enforcement agencies such as the FBI to investigate the attempted data breach. This required the company to provide information, resources, and support to the agency. This type of collaboration helps protect other companies from cybercriminals and reinforces the need for the collective effort to fight cybercrime. Riot Games’ refusal to give in to hackers’ ransom demand is a reminder of the importance of corporate privacy protection and the need for effective security measures in today’s digital world. With cybercriminals becoming increasingly sophisticated, companies must be vigilant and take all necessary steps to protect against potential security threats. This includes a robust cyber security strategy and adopting cyber security solutions to help protect their data from cybercriminal activities.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 17:24:02 +0000

Cyber News related to Riot Games Refuses to Give in to Hackers' Ransom Demand