Trading Tomorrow's Technology for Today's Privacy: The AI Conundrum in 2024

Artificial Intelligence is a technology that continually absorbs and transfers humanity's collective intelligence with machine learning algorithms.
It is becoming increasingly clear that, as technology advances, so does its approach to data management the lack thereof.
Taking advantage of Google's recent integration of Bard, its chat-based AI tool, into a host of other Google apps and services is a good example of how generative AI is being moved more directly into consumer life through the use of text, images, and voice.
A super-charged version of Google Assistant, Bard is equipped with everything from Gmail, Docs, and Drive, to Google Maps, YouTube, Google Flights, and hotels, all of which are bundled with it.
Using a conversational, natural-language mode, Bard can filter enormous amounts of data online, while providing personalized responses to individual users, all while doing so in an unprecedented way.
Artificial intelligence technology continues to advance rapidly, and the advent of deep fakes has raised concern in the country about its potential to influence electoral politics, especially during the Lok Sabha elections that are planned to take place next year.
In a deepfake, artificial intelligence can be used to create videos or audio that make sense of the actions or statements of people they did not do or say, resulting in the spread of misinformation and damage to their reputation.
In the wake of the massive leap in public consciousness about the importance of generative AI that occurred in 2023, individuals and businesses will be putting artificial intelligence at the centre of even more decisions in the coming year.
In 2023, ChatGPT, MidJourney, Google Bard, corporate chatbots, and other artificial intelligence tools have taken the internet by storm.
There is no denying that artificial intelligence, no matter what you think about it, has dramatically changed the privacy landscape.
Despite whatever your feelings about AI are, the majority of people will agree on the fact that AI tools are trained on data that is collected from the creators and the users of them.
For privacy reasons, it can be difficult to maintain transparency regarding how this data is handled since it can be difficult to understand how it is being handled.
Users may forget that their conversations with AI are not as private as text conversations with other humans and that they may inadvertently disclose sensitive data during these conversations.
According to the GDPR, users are already protected from fully automated decisions making a decision about the course of their lives by the GDPR - for example, an AI cannot deny a bank loan based on how it analyzes someone's financial situation.
The proposed legislation in many parts of the world will eventually lead to more law enforcement regulating artificial intelligence in 2024.
AI developers will likely continue to refine their tools to change them into more privacy-conscious oriented tools as the laws governing them become more complex.
As Zamir anticipates that Bard Extensions will become even more personalized and integrated with the online shopping experience, such as auto-filling out of checkout forms, tracking shipments, and automatically comparing prices, Bard extensions are on course to become even more integrated with the online shopping experience.
During 2024, there will be a major transformation in the tapestry of artificial intelligence, a transformation that will stir a debate on privacy and security.
From Google's Bard to deepfake anxieties, let's embark on this technological odyssey with vigilant minds as users ride the wave of AI integration.
Do not be blind to the implications of artificial intelligence.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:43:06 +0000

Cyber News related to Trading Tomorrow's Technology for Today's Privacy: The AI Conundrum in 2024