When Looking For Cybersecurity Solutions, Don't Shrug Off Startups

Let's say you're looking for some new technology for your business.
That's why it's time to start giving startup tech a fair shake.
It's nice to stick with a known commodity, especially when you're talking about securing your company's digital framework.
Startups are famous for being nimble: pivoting to help when customers have pain points and working with specific enterprises to custom-fit their solutions.
These startup vendors can start small, build from the ground up without being tied to any specific framework or bloat of legacy frameworks, prove their value, and repeat the process.
For emerging startups, it's a classic Catch-22; customers won't buy your product until Analyst Firm X vets you, but Analyst Firm X won't vet you until you have an army of customers willing to speak to them.
3 reasons you should try startup cybersecurity tech.
Often, big corporations pay attention to new technologies from startups.
Or. Buy a startup to take them out of the market, claim ownership of that tech, and again claim their territory.
Signing on with startup is like getting in on the ground level before the red tape and markups.
As they're hungry to grow their businesses, startups typically charge lower prices for their tech and services.
So you shouldn't put the sanctity of your company's digital infrastructure in the hands of just anyone.
Don't just look at who their customers are, but rather at how many they have - and how long they stay.
If you see a flurry of new products emerge in a normally stagnant category, it's almost always because there's a startup that saw a hole and started filling it.
Reviews on neutral sites from actual customers are the first stepping stone toward those analyst reports.
These reviews often give even more insights into how the company delivers on its promises - and how they'll treat you as an ongoing customer.
For your next tech decision: don't overlook the startups.
Protecting ourselves requires us to find solutions that are equally nimble and find new ways of thinking about the problems.
If enterprise technology companies are looking to startups for new solutions, I would propose it's time you should, too.
Brian is an advisor and investor in local Washington, D.C. area startups.

This Cyber News was published on www.cybersecurity-insiders.com. Publication date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:13:05 +0000

Cyber News related to When Looking For Cybersecurity Solutions, Don't Shrug Off Startups