Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in X2Engine X2CRM before 5.0.9 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) version parameter in protected/views/admin/formEditor.php; the (2) importId parameter in protected/views/admin/rollbackImport.php; the (3) bc, (4) fg, (5) bgc, or (6) font parameter in protected/views/site/listener.php; the (7) Services[*] parameter in protected/components/views/webForm.php; the (8) file parameter in protected/components/TranslationManager.php; the (9) x2_key parameter in protected/tests/webscripts/x2WebTrackingTestPages/customWebLeadCaptureScriptTest.php; the (10) id parameter in protected/modules/contacts/controllers/ContactsController.php; or the (11) lastEventId parameter to index.php/profile/getEvents.
Publication date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 00:59:00 +0000