Kimsuky, also known as Velvet Chollima and Black Banshee, is a North Korean state-backed hacker group. The group has been active since at least 2012 and initially focused on targeting South Korean government entities, think tanks, and individuals identified as experts in various fields. Their targets include South Korean think tanks, industry, nuclear power operators, and the South Korean Ministry of Unification for espionage purposes. In recent years, Kimsuky has expanded their operations to include states such as Russia, the United States, and European nations. Kimsuky has focused its intelligence collection activities on foreign policy and national security issues related to the Korean peninsula, nuclear policy, and sanctions. They have been involved in several notable campaigns, including the 2014 Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. compromise, Operation STOLEN PENCIL (2018), Operation Kabar Cobra (2019), and Operation Smoke Screen (2019). It’s important to note that Kimsuky is thought to be behind a wave of attacks attempting to steal victims’ personal information, IDs, passwords, as well as cryptocurrency.