Global buffer overflow in networkmap in Asuswrt-Merlin firmware for ASUS devices and ASUS firmware for ASUS RT-AC5300, RT_AC1900P, RT-AC68U, RT-AC68P, RT-AC88U, RT-AC66U, RT-AC66U_B1, RT-AC58U, RT-AC56U, RT-AC55U, RT-AC52U, RT-AC51U, RT-N18U, RT-N66U, RT-N56U, RT-AC3200, RT-AC3100, RT_AC1200GU, RT_AC1200G, RT-AC1200, RT-AC53, RT-N12HP, RT-N12HP_B1, RT-N12D1, RT-N12+, RT_N12+_PRO, RT-N16, and RT-N300 devices allows remote attackers to write shellcode at any address in the heap; this can be used to execute arbitrary code on the router by hosting a crafted device description XML document at a URL specified within a Location header in an SSDP response.
Publication date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 18:18:00 +0000