Securing The Future: Cybersecurity Predictions for 2024

When more than 6 million articles of ancestry and genetic data were breached from 23 and Me's secure database, companies were forced to confront and evaluate their own cybersecurity practices and data management.
We won't be saying goodbye to ransomware in 2024, but rather saying hello to an evolved, automated, adaptable, and more intelligent form of it.
In 2024, there will be a rise in the use of Generative AI with an alarming 70% of workers using ChatGPT not making their employers aware - opening the door for significant security issues, especially for outsourced tasks like coding.
While its uses are groundbreaking, Gen AI's misuses, especially when it comes to cybersecurity, are cause for concern.
Cybersecurity breaches will come from more sophisticated sources this year.
With platforms like LOVO AI, and Deepgram making their way into mainstream use - often for hoax or ruse purposes - sinister uses of these platforms are being employed by cybercriminals to trick unsuspecting victims into disclosing sensitive network information from their business or place of work.
Cybercriminals target the weakest part of any security operation - the people - by encouraging them to divulge personal and sensitive information that might be used to breach internal cybersecurity.
On the other hand, AI is being used to strengthen cybersecurity in unlikely ways.
Seeing a rise in alarming cases of abuse, cybersecurity experts must consider the effect these might have before moving forward with an adaptable strategy for the year.
Cybercriminals using their expertise to target small businesses is expected to increase in 2024.
By nature, small businesses are unlikely to operate at a level able to employ the resources needed to combat consistent cybersecurity threats that larger organisations face on a daily basis.
With areas of cybersecurity unaccounted for, cybercriminals are likely to increasingly exploit vulnerabilities within small business networks.
If their data is being held for ransom, a small business owner, without the legal resources needed to fight a data breach is more likely to give in to the demands of an attacker to save face, often setting them back thousands of pounds.
Even the smallest data breaches can, in one fell swoop, lay waste to all of these.
Unlikely to have dedicated cybersecurity teams in place, a small business will often employ less secure and inexpensive data management solutions - making them prime targets.
These tools are likely to become more common for larger, well-insured companies due to gold-rush on data harvesting.
With companies like Apple beta-testing passkeys in consumer devices and even Google describing them as 'the beginning of the end of the password', businesses will no doubt begin to adopt this more secure technology, stored on local devices, for any systems that hold sensitive data.
In 2024, more than sixty countries will see an election take place, and as politics barrel towards all-out war in many, it is more important than ever to safeguard cybersecurity to account for a tighter grip on fact-checked information and official government communications.
The ability to generate convincing text and media can significantly influence public opinion and sway electoral processes, destabilising a country's internal and external cybersecurity.
As Generative AI's sophistication increases, it will become ever more difficult to identify what information is genuine and safeguard online security.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Tue, 06 Feb 2024 19:43:04 +0000

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