The Dual Role AI Plays in Cybersecurity: How to Stay Ahead

There's a wide range of AI-enabled solutions available for various business use cases, and organizations are increasingly recognizing their value.
According to a survey, 33 percent of organizations are currently leveraging generative AI in at least one business function.
The adoption of AI is driven by several factors, including the desire to enhance customer experience, increase revenue, and improve business continuity.
Cybersecurity is also a key area where AI is being used, with 51 percent of business owners planning to enhance their cybersecurity efforts using this technology.
AI presents significant advantages for organizations, but it's also being exploited to amplify and intensify cyberattacks.
Cybersecurity and IT professionals need to acknowledge the dual nature of AI, as hackers view it as an additional weapon against vulnerable entities.
Improving social engineering tactics: Hackers are using AI to enhance the quality of their social engineering content.
If these packages are deployed, they can introduce harmful code into the application or network.
Enhancing malware capabilities for increased stealth: In cases where cybersecurity tools have successfully blocked malware, AI can be leveraged to develop new algorithms that empower the malware to adapt its behavior, evading detection and bypassing security measures.
Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures has always been crucial, and it is even more imperative in today's landscape.
Safeguarding your organization's digital assets against AI-enabled cyber threats requires proactive measures, including identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
A key aspect of this is conducting regular web application security testing to identify and mitigate any potential weaknesses or open endpoints that could be targeted by attackers.
Pen Testing as a Service is a comprehensive solution for web application security testing.
Unlike traditional once-a-year pen testing, PTaaS offers continuous monitoring and on-demand manual security tests conducted by highly skilled and experienced pen testers.
This approach is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of your current security measures and uncovering any overlooked vulnerabilities in your web applications.
With Outpost24's PTaaS solution, you can benefit from zero false positives, a direct communication channel between developers and pen testers, and real-time vulnerability reporting.
As the era of AI transforms the way we do business, it also brings new challenges for cybersecurity.
While exploring the potential benefits of AI for your organization, it's crucial to remain vigilant against hackers who are leveraging AI for their malicious purposes.
Outpost24's PTaaS Solution is a powerful tool that offers continuous monitoring and vulnerability detection for your organization's web applications.
Microsoft confirms Copilot AI assistant coming to Windows 10.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 15:20:04 +0000

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