Top 7 Enterprise Cybersecurity Challenges in 2024

Cybercriminals aren't going to let up, and neither should enterprise security teams' efforts to protect networks, systems, applications and data.
Cyberthreats aren't the only security challenge for 2024, however.
Here's a look at the top seven trends and challenges security teams and organizations need to be aware of in 2024.
AI experienced a banner year in 2023 with the introduction of generative AI platforms, such as ChatGPT. With their release came a slew of security challenges, especially when it comes to phishing.
AI and GenAI are such big topics that they warrant two entries in our 2024 list of security challenges.
Using personally identifiable information or sensitive data to train large language models can result in data leakage, create data privacy concerns or lead to data breaches.
Shadow AI. Be aware of any nonpermitted, non-company-controlled AI use by employees, known as shadow AI. Security policies or acceptable use policies should outline the challenges of shadow AI and prohibit it as needed.
While security is often viewed as safe from budget and staff cuts due to its importance, it's not immune to them.
Plus, security has historically been viewed as a cost center because its ROI isn't easily calculated.
CISOs and security teams facing budget cuts and spending reductions must plan carefully to maintain the security of their company and colleagues while getting more done with less - and without burning themselves out.
The security industry is no stranger to the skills shortage.
For years, report after report has concluded the industry needs more security employees than there are applicants.
AI, ransomware, budget and staffing issues, phishing and supply chains are far from the only information security challenges enterprises will face in 2024.
As more enterprises move data and applications to the cloud - according to Hornetsecurity, 93% of businesses will be in the cloud by 2027 - cloud security and mitigating cloud-based attacks are becoming more important than ever.
While security is often seen as a software development inhibitor, spending the time and money to securely develop software is necessary to prevent vulnerabilities that could lead to breaches.
Protecting these little sensors - which greatly expand the attack surface - is key, yet they are often not designed with security in mind.
Learn more about the leading IoT security challenges and how to overcome them.
Read up on the security risks of remote working and how to prevent them.
Humans are often called the weakest link when it comes to enterprise security.
Learn why employee training is critical and how to build a security awareness training program.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Tue, 09 Jan 2024 18:43:04 +0000

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