What Steps Can You Take to Safeguard Your Information in the Era of Remote and InPerson Work

In today's world, hybrid work and bring-your-own-device programs are commonplace. This means that protecting data is more complex than ever before, as more apps and data are stored in the cloud. To address this, the security industry has come up with the concept of security service edge (SSE). This is a framework that consolidates security products and provides more visibility and control over data. Another strategy that is gaining traction is zero trust, which is a good way to modernize IT security. However, implementing a new SSE platform or achieving universal zero trust across an entire infrastructure can be intimidating. The best approach is to make incremental changes, focusing on how users interact with secure data. This will help to ensure that users have access to what they need for work, while also protecting data. To do this, organizations should look for unified solutions that provide complete endpoint-to-cloud protection and visibility. This will give insights and controls within a simplified management console, while also eliminating the need for individual security tools.

This Cyber News was published on www.csoonline.com. Publication date: Wed, 08 Feb 2023 13:12:02 +0000

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