I'm here with Graeme Speak, CEO, and founder of BankVault.
Graeme, it's such a pleasure to be with you here today.
The really big one that we're focused on is called MasterKey, which provides passwordless access to web login portals.
Can you explain a little bit to our audience how your product, how MasterKey differs from everything else out there, because we certainly have heard about passwordless logins and the like and different in the ecosystem, the cybersecurity world, but your certainly is different than other things that I've heard about.
Graeme Speak: It is, I mean, so passwordless in the last year, since 2021 has become one of the hottest sectors in cybersecurity.
Shira Rubinoff: Well, certainly we talk a lot about no extra steps for users when we talk about the human factors piece of cybersecurity, when you put the onus on the user, they're responsible to do certain steps.
So the no extra steps I think is a very pivotal spot for your organization.
Graeme Speak: So we have customers that literally can now deploy within minutes instead of months.
The social media authentication is a really poor idea.
Graeme Speak: Yeah, this really sidesteps the man-in-the-middle.
Graeme Speak: So our target customers are typically going to be an organization that has a interface to an external customer.
In the worst possible situation where for some reason the passwordless technology has stopped working, who knows why, the users can still login with their original credentials.
Shira Rubinoff: Well, I will say one of the things also, that I like about your system is the users are behaving like they normally would, you don't have to retrain them, they don't really have to think about it.
People think they're a small fish and it's not going to bother me.
Graeme Speak: I'm now in the right to actually go into a bit more detail about how you can actually protect yourself, yeah.
Graeme Speak: If any organization would be interested in trialing this, honestly, we can set this up in a few moments.
Graeme Speak: And so it's not trivial on the inside, but the experience for the user is essentially seamless.
Graeme Speak: Yeah, there's dozens and dozens of these marketplaces.
Graeme Speak: So it's a very sharp competitive edge that elevates SaaS in a very large marketplace.
Shira Rubinoff: MasterKey and Graeme will be happy to speak with you.
This Cyber News was published on securityboulevard.com. Publication date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 12:43:05 +0000