Chinese Hackers Turn To Golang For Malware

Chinese hackers are increasingly turning to the open-source programming language Golang to maliciously code and launch new cyberattacks. According to the latest analysis by The Hacker News, this has resulted in an increase in the number of cyber threats targeted against organizations. Experts suggest that Golang has become a go-to choice for Chinese hackers due to its easy to use features, robustness, flexibility, and speed. Golang has been used by numerous Chinese hacker groups in their campaigns, including some the most active hacking groups like Carbanak, BlackTech, and Stone Panda. The Golang language is an open-source programming language that was developed in 2009. While Golang is typically used for legitimate purposes, it has also increasingly been adopted by cybercriminals as an avenue to launch cyberattacks. Most recently, Chinese hackers have been observed using Golang in the form of malicious backdoors, malicious campaigns, and attacks, as well as data exfiltration techniques. In the most recent malware activity, Chinese hackers have deployed Golang-based malicious payloads to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, download malicious files, and exfiltrate data. These malicious code injections were used to spread computer viruses and other malicious software, as well as to steal data and credentials. The Hacker News analysis also highlighted how Chinese cybercriminals use Golang to create malicious backdoor payloads, as well as malicious command and control (C2) servers to control infected computers. The security experts emphasized the importance of using robust cyber security protocols to protect against such cyber risks. They suggested that organizations should be aware of the growing use of Golang in cyberattacks, and deploy the appropriate defenses in their systems to protect against malicious campaigns. Additionally, organizations should regularly monitor their networks for suspicious activity, deploy best security practices, and update their security protocols regularly. As Chinese hackers become more clever in their use of Golang and other advanced hacking tools and techniques, organizations must stay alert and Implement effective security measures to protect their networks against malicious actors.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Wed, 25 Jan 2023 08:05:02 +0000

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