Multiple PHP remote file inclusion vulnerabilities in LookStrike Lan Manager 0.9 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the sys_conf[path][real] parameter to (1) modules\class\Table.php; (2) db_admins.php, (3) db_alert.php, (4) db_double.php, (5) db_games.php, (6) db_matches.php, (7) db_match_teams.php, (8) db_news.php, (9) db_platform.php, (10) db_players.php, (11) db_server_group.php, (12) db_server_ip.php, (13) db_teams.php, (14) db_team_players.php, (15) db_tournaments.php, (16) db_tournament_teams.php, and (17) db_trees.php in modules\class\db\; and (18) Match.php, (19) MatchTeam.php, (20) Rule.php, (21) RuleBuilder.php, (22) RulePool.php, (23) RuleSingle.php, (24) RuleTree.php, (25) Tournament.php, (26) TournamentTeam.php, (27) Tree.php, and (28) TreeSingle.php in modules\class\tournament\. NOTE: this can also be leveraged to include and execute arbitrary local files via directory traversal sequences.
Publication date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 04:00:00 +0000