Last week, a group of hackers targeted Radioactive Waste Management, a UK government-owned company behind the country's multibllion-dollar Geological Disposal Facility nuclear waste-storage project, using social engineering and LinkedIn.
RWM merged last year with two other companies to create Nuclear Waste Services, which also administers the Low Level Waste Repository in Cumbria, UK. Corhyn Parr, NWS's chief executive, noted that the attackers have been capitalizing on the business changes stemming from that merger to try to dupe targets into falling for social engineering gambits, largely through LinkedIn.
Hackers will use social media sites to create fake accounts, write false messages, and send malicious links, as well as gather information to improve their messaging, all in order to gain access to a company's system through phishing or malware.
This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Tue, 02 Jan 2024 20:55:22 +0000