Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Microsoft resources for security teams | Microsoft Security Blog

Help educate everyone in your organization with cybersecurity awareness resources and training curated by the security experts at Microsoft. The report found that 10.4% of phishing simulation participants clicked the email phishing link they were sent—a 3.4% increase over the previous year.3 Even more worrying, 60% of users who clicked on the email link also ultimately submitted their password to the phishing website.3 These attacks target tens of millions of users annually, and with AI-enhanced features they are more and more likely to evade traditional security layers like firewalls and email security measures. To help our global defenders, Microsoft has put together the Be Cybersmart Kit, designed to educate everyone on best practices for going passwordless, not falling for sophisticated phishing or fraud, device protection, AI safety, and more. Phishing emails have become more convincing, and fraud has increased, making cyberattackers seem legitimate—as if they were Microsoft support or even the fraud detection services from your bank.1 And threat actors are taking advantage of the rise of AI, using it to enhance and fine-tune their strategies. The Be Cybersmart Kit is a great starting point, and it’s just one of the many resources Microsoft has put together on its Cybersecurity Awareness site. Identity and device protection can help protect individuals and their families from malicious cyberthreats—and Microsoft is making it easier than ever to stay safer on unsecure Wi-Fi with the expansion of privacy protection. We work with government and industry to raise cybersecurity awareness and help everyone, from individuals to businesses to all levels of government, stay safe online in our ever-connected world. And for students pursuing the field of cybersecurity, the Microsoft Cybersecurity Scholarship Program and many more educational opportunities are here to help. To better understand phishing-related risk factors in the era of AI, Microsoft has collaborated with Fortra to put together the Phishing Benchmark Global Report. “CISA is excited to lead the federal government’s efforts to reduce online risk during this 21st Cybersecurity Awareness month and every month. Microsoft is a leader in cybersecurity, and we embrace our responsibility to make the world a safer place. These areas of focus are AI Safety, Cybersecurity 101, Devices, Fraud, Phishing, and Passwords. To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. For example, the AI Safety infographic delivers new guidance that focuses on the safe use of AI tools within your organization, including making sure you haven’t become overconfident in AI-generated content and search results and that you’re using the AI tools provisioned by your IT organization. As Cybersecurity Awareness Month marks its 21st year, it’s clear that this year stands out. Those seeking more in-depth resources can access expert-level learning paths, certifications, and technical documentation to continue their cybersecurity education. For informed individuals looking to further broaden their understanding of the landscape, Microsoft invites you to join the Build a Security-First Culture in the Era of AI webinar on October 30, 2024. AI can also aid cyberattackers in setting up their phishing sites in locations that internet browsers and security providers are less capable of detecting as high-risk. Our Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella has led the charge himself as Microsoft puts “security above all else, before all other features and investments.” This is why educating everyone on staying cybersafe is so important right now.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Wed, 02 Oct 2024 07:43:05 +0000

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