Cybersecurity Specialists Caught Moonlighting as Dark Web Criminals

A recent study conducted by the Chartered Institute of Information Security has uncovered a concerning trend in the cybersecurity field.
The study reveals that many cybersecurity professionals, facing low pay and high stress, are resorting to engaging in cybercrime activities on the dark web.
This revelation adds to the challenges faced by security leaders who already feel ill-equipped to combat the increasing threat of AI-driven cybercrime.
The investigation, led by a former police officer turned cyber investigation specialist, involved six months of scouring dark web sites and job postings.
The findings exposed numerous individuals offering their programming skills at remarkably low rates.
One Python developer and Computer Science student advertised their services for as little as $48 per hour, offering to develop cybercrime tools such as VoIP chatbots, AI chatbots, and hacking frameworks.
In addition to programmers, the investigation uncovered various professionals willing to assist cybercriminals in their activities.
These included voiceover artists for vishing campaigns, graphic designers, public relations professionals, and content writers.
Despite the presence of these individuals, the investigator noted that it was relatively easy to distinguish between professionals and hardcore cybercriminals, with professionals often referencing their legitimate roles or using language similar to that found on platforms like LinkedIn.
The study's findings suggest that the allure of higher pay and the stress and burnout experienced in cybersecurity roles are driving professionals towards criminal activities.
Amanda Finch, CEO of CIISec, highlighted the impact of long hours and high salaries on this trend, noting that the industry must focus on attracting and retaining talent to prevent further defections to cybercrime.
For chief information security officers and executives responsible for safeguarding their companies against cyber threats, these revelations pose a significant challenge.
Not only are they contending with escalating cybercriminal activity, including ransomware attacks, but they must also grapple with the possibility of insider threats from their own employees.
According to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, 11% of malicious attacks reported in the latter half of 2023 involved rogue employees.
The escalating threat of AI-augmented cyberattacks further compounds the challenges faced by security professionals.
A global survey by Darktrace found that 89% of security professionals anticipate significant impacts from AI-augmented threats within the next two years.
Despite this, 60% admit to being unprepared to defend against such attacks.
To combat these evolving threats, defensive AI systems are gaining traction.
Initiatives such as the US FTC's push against AI impersonation, Google's AI Cyber Defence Initiative, and the European Union's AI Office demonstrate a concerted effort to develop robust cyber defense mechanisms.
The proliferation of AI cyber threat detection-related patents and the entry of new companies into the market underscore the urgency of bolstering defensive capabilities against cyber threats.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Sat, 16 Mar 2024 18:43:05 +0000

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