Essential Email and Internet Safety Tips for College Students

Your email is one of the most important digital assets and identities because it helps you create accounts on other platforms.
Securing your email requires you to pay attention to your passwords, gadgets, and the links you engage with.
The places you share the email will also either expose you or keep you away from danger.
Here are critical email safety insights every student should consider when in college and beyond.
PowerDMARC's report on the state of email authentication adoption found that 48.1% of the analyzed.
This proved that several well-known organizations in academia still lack basic defenses against email impersonation and abuse, reiterating the need for email safety awareness among educational institutions.
Email often serves as ground zero for identity theft schemes.
Safeguarding your email is non-negotiable these days.
Your email platform will direct you on the length of the best password to use.
Providing an email to a website comes with consent for its use.
Some of the websites use the emails for phishing expeditions or to create fake accounts using your credentials.
Do not give your email to a website or portal unless you can authenticate its originality.
Email addresses can be used to send information to your contacts or associates.
You must also evaluate the level of consent provided to a website whenever you give your email address.
It should ensure email safety for students from attacks by hackers looking to compromise your email.
Passwords and security questions should not be stored in your email as drafts.
In case a hacker penetrates your email address, he can use the security details sent through the email to compromise other accounts.
Students use multiple gadgets like laptops and mobile phones to access email accounts.
Emails and the internet are crucial to college life.
As a first line of email safety, students must build self-awareness around cyber threats and attack tactics that are frequently exercised by bad actors.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:43:05 +0000

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