Expel Releases Updated Toolkit in Response to NIST 2.0

PRESS RELEASE. HERNDON, Va., March 13, 2024 - - Expel, the leading managed detection and response provider, today unveiled the updated version of its National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework Getting Started toolkit.
The latest update also adds Framework Tiers, which characterize the typical rigor of cybersecurity risk governance and management practices throughout an organization.
Expel's NIST CSF guide helps security leaders and operators understand how to approach the framework and make sense of its functions, categories, subcategories, and tiers.
The self-scoring spreadsheet allows users to evaluate their current, future, and goal states for each outcome in the CSF, while also offering clear charts for resource allocation guidance.
Expel helps companies of all shapes and sizes minimize business risk.
Our technology and people work together to make sense of security signals-with your business in mind-to detect, understand, and fix issues fast.
Powered by our security operations platform, Expel offers managed detection and response, remediation, phishing, vulnerability prioritization, and threat hunting.

This Cyber News was published on www.darkreading.com. Publication date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 21:30:09 +0000

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