ALLANITE is a suspected Russian cyber espionage group, that has primarily targeted the electric utility sector within the United States and United Kingdom. The group's tactics and techniques are reportedly similar to Dragonfly, although ALLANITEs technical capabilities have not exhibited disruptive or destructive abilities. It has been suggested that the group maintains a presence in ICS for the purpose of gaining understanding of processes and to maintain persistence.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 07 Dec 2023 22:12:07 +0000

Cyber News related to ALLANITE

ALLANITE - ALLANITE is a suspected Russian cyber espionage group, that has primarily targeted the electric utility sector within the United States and United Kingdom. The group's tactics and techniques are reportedly similar to Dragonfly, although ALLANITEs ...
1 year ago ALLANITE Dragonfly

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