BRONZE BUTLER is a cyber espionage group with likely Chinese origins that has been active since at least 2008. The group primarily targets Japanese organizations, particularly those in government, biotechnology, electronics manufacturing, and industrial chemistry.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 07 Dec 2023 22:12:07 +0000

Cyber News related to BRONZE BUTLER

BRONZE BUTLER - BRONZE BUTLER is a cyber espionage group with likely Chinese origins that has been active since at least 2008. The group primarily targets Japanese organizations, particularly those in government, biotechnology, electronics manufacturing, and ...
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CVE-2014-7568 - The Marcus Butler Unofficial (aka com.automon.ay.marcus.butler) application for Android does not verify X.509 certificates from SSL servers, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof servers and obtain sensitive information via a ...
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Japanese Space Agency JAXA hacked in summer cyberattack - The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency was hacked in a cyberattack over the summer, which may have put sensitive space-related technology and data at risk. The security breach was discovered this autumn when law enforcement authorities alerted ...
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iFlock Security Consulting Secures Private Funding - PRESS RELEASE. WAKARUSA, Ind., Jan. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - iFlock Security Consulting, a leading boutique cybersecurity company specializing in penetration testing and ancillary services, today announced the successful completion of its first private ...
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Stifling Beijing in cyberspace big focus for UK operatives The Register - Regular attendees of CYBERUK, the annual conference hosted by British intelligence unit the National Cyber Security Centre, will know that in addition to the expected conference panels, there is usually an interwoven theme to proceedings. Various ...
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CVE-2023-44240 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in Peter Butler Timthumb Vulnerability Scanner plugin < 1.54 versions. ...
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Chinese hackers hid in US infrastructure network for 5 years - The Chinese Volt Typhoon cyber-espionage group infiltrated a critical infrastructure network in the United States and remained undetected for at least five years before being discovered, according to a joint advisory from CISA, the NSA, the FBI, and ...
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China-Sponsored Hackers Lie in Wait to Attack US Infrastructure - In a stark warning this week, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, FBI, and National Security Agency said that Volt Typhoon has compromised the IT environments of multiple critical infrastructure organizations in such sectors as ...
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Chinese APT 'Emperor Dragonfly' Moonlights With Ransomware - "The attacker then said administrative credentials were obtained from the company's intranet before stealing Amazon S3 cloud credentials from its Veeam server, using them to steal data from its S3 buckets before encrypting computers," ...
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New NailaoLocker ransomware used against EU healthcare orgs - Orange has shared several hypotheses for the attacks, including false flag operations meant to distract, strategic data theft operations doubled with revenue generation, and, more likely, a Chinese cyberespionage group "moonlighting" on the side to ...
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