The security of the Internet of Things is one of the main challenges of today.
Many IoT assets could get an easy target to cyber attacks and it's highly recommended to somehow cope with these requirements.
The best practice is something that would deal with the final solutions, while we would like to suggest that an IoT design is something we should pay more attention on.
In other words, the role of this chapter is to deal with some suggestions regarding the IoT security and try to explain how we could improve the next generation solutions.
The IoT should offer us a great deal of security and privacy.
Many IoT solutions would deal with the so called - rookie's mistakes and it would appear as absolutely unbelievable how some solutions being expected to get highly professional would cope with some beginner's questions.
The IoT security's requirements should get high and as many research institutions would indicate it's about the best practice.
The fact is the IoT security is about the appropriate risk management, but the point is if we could do anything more than such best practice could.
We would point on the possible IoT design that should offer us stronger safety and security through its usage.
As it's already suggested through this material, the IoT solutions could include ICS, SCADA and PLC systems, embedded devices, mobile technologies and much more.
Many experts would indicate that the IoT of the future should cope with the stronger encryption and in such a way - offer the better performances to its next generation devices.
It's well known that IoT systems would use the big network being created using many devices talking to each other.
In conclusion, some of the next generation IoT improvements are about the better device's security which could get obtained through the good practices, disaster recovery and business continuity strategies and much stronger design of the final products relying on more advanced encryption solutions.
Through the practice, we would notice that many IoT solutions would need better software, hardware and network configuration.
We would realize that the majority of those systems would not follow the basic recommendations suggesting that the inbound ports should get hidden from some of the IoT search engines.
These are only some of the examples being noticed in a practice and some of the advices being indicated to the IoT systems' users in order to make them do the better improvements of their security's capacities.
At this stage of the IoT development and deployment - we would deal with many security's requirements that should get overcome so shortly.
Finally, it's important to say that there are still many challenges to the IoT technology and we hope that they would get their responses in a coming time.
At the end, we could conclude that the main challenge to the IoT technology could get its security.
Through this material - we would talk about how serious consequences of the unprotected IoT assets could be to their owners.
This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 12:13:15 +0000