Indian Government Warns Social Media Platforms Over Deepfake Misinformation

In a strong statement directed at social media platforms, the government of India has emphasized the critical need for swift identification and removal of misinformation, including deepfakes, or risk facing legal consequences.
This warning follows a deepfake scandal involving the esteemed Indian actor Akshay Kumar.
The controversy erupted after a digitally manipulated video, allegedly portraying Kumar endorsing a gaming application, surfaced online.
Despite the actor's explicit denial of any involvement in such promotions, the video circulated widely across social media platforms, fueling concerns over the spread of fabricated content.
The government's stance underscores the growing threat posed by deepfakes, which are increasingly being used to spread false information and manipulate public opinion.
With the rise of sophisticated digital manipulation techniques, authorities are urging social media companies to implement robust measures to combat the dissemination of deceptive content.
Following the cases of deepfake technology, the Rajya Sabha, Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology Rajeev Chandrasekhar, talked about how fake news and deepfake videos, which use fancy technology, are causing big problems.
He reminded everyone about the rules that say social media companies have to quickly remove this fake stuff.
If they do not, they can get in big trouble, even facing legal action.
The government wants these companies to take responsibility and keep the internet safe and trustworthy.
Several months ago, deepfake videos featuring other famous Indian celebrities went viral on social media.
In response, the Government of India issued an advisory to top social media platforms, stating that they must remove such content within 24 hours or face consequences under the provisions of the IT Rules.
The advisory highlighted that Section 66D of the IT Act, 2000, prescribes punishment- including imprisonment for up to 3 years and a fine of up to Rs 1 lakh-for individuals found guilty of cheating by impersonation through the use of computer resources.
Deepfake, a form of artificial intelligence, has emerged as a potent tool capable of creating convincing hoax images, sounds, and videos.
Utilizing machine learning algorithms, deepfake technology compiles fabricated images and sounds, seamlessly stitching them together to create realistic scenarios and individuals that never existed or events that never took place.
The widespread use of deepfake technology is often associated with malicious intent.
Nefarious actors harness this technology to propagate false information and propaganda, manipulating public perception with deceptive content.
In Pakistan, reports have surfaced of deepfake content being utilized to influence the outcome of the Prime Minister election.
In Hong Kong, a finance worker fell victim to a sophisticated deepfake scam, resulting in the fraudulent transfer of $25 million after fraudsters impersonated a company executive during a video conference call.
Iran-backed hackers disrupted streaming services in the UAE by disseminating deepfake news, underscoring the potential for such technology to be weaponized for cyber warfare.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 08 Feb 2024 15:43:04 +0000

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