JetBrains TeamCity Exploits Continue

This week's news includes open-source software vulnerabilities, endangered data, and continued attacks from state-sponsored Russian threat groups.
Type of vulnerability: Cross-site scripting and command injection.
The problem: Code analysis software SonarCloud found three vulnerabilities in open-source firewall software pfSense - two cross-site scripting issues and a command injection vulnerability.
NIST has cataloged the three vulnerabilities as CVE-2023-42325, CVE-2023-42327, and CVE-2023-42326.
Used in conjunction, these vulnerabilities allow a threat actor to remotely execute arbitrary code on a pfSense server.
PfSense CE 2.7.0 and below and pfSense Plus 23.05.1 and below are susceptible to the vulnerabilities.
While the vulnerabilities were discovered this summer, Sonar didn't release its report until last week.
The fix: Sonar provides recommendations for patching the vulnerabilities, including patch commits from open-source networking vendor Netgate.
Versions 2.7.1 and 23.09 of pfSense have also fixed this vulnerability.
Type of vulnerability: Unauthenticated access to Dataproc clusters.
Orca Security's research group released an article covering this vulnerability.
The problem: The National Security Agency released a press announcement last week concerning active exploits of a JetBrains TeamCity server exploit.
According to the NSA, threat actor groups like APT29 and CozyBear, which make up the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, have been exploiting the known vulnerability since September 2023.
Threat actors use the vulnerability known as CVE-2023-42793 to access the TeamCity servers and take further action, including escalating their privileges.
The problem: Backup Migration, a WordPress plugin installed on tens of thousands of websites, has a vulnerability allowing remote code execution.
The vulnerability, CVE-2023-6553, affects every version of Backup Migration until version 1.3.6.
The fix: After receiving the report from Wordfence, the developers of Backup Migration released a patch earlier in December for the vulnerability, included in version 1.3.8.
Type of vulnerability: Parameter manipulation allowing path traversal and potential remote code execution.
The vulnerability allows threat actors to manipulate parameters and enable path traversal, according to NIST. This could allow them to upload malicious files and execute remote code.
Next, read about the stages of the vulnerability management lifecycle, which include assessing, prioritizing, and reassessing weaknesses in your IT environment.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 20:43:05 +0000

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