Password-stealing "vulnerability" reported in KeyPass

It's been a newsworthy few weeks for password managers - those handy utilities that help you come up with a different password for every website you use, and then to keep track of them all. At the end of 2022, it was the turn of LastPass to be all over the news, when the company finally admitted that a breach it suffered back in August 2022 did indeed end up with customers' password vaults getting stolen from the cloud service where they were backed up. Then it was LifeLock's turn to be all over the news, when the company warned about what looked like a rash of password guessing attacks, probably based on passwords stolen from a completely different website, possibly some time ago, and perhaps purchased on the dark web recently. LifeLock itself hadn't been breached, but some of its users had, thanks to password-sharing behaviour caused y risks they might not even remember having taken. Competitiors 1Password and BitWarden have been in the news recently, too, based on reports of malicious ads, apparently unwittingly aired by Google, that convincingly lured users to replica logon pages aimed at phishing their account details. Now it's KeePass's turn to be in the news, this time for yet another cybersecurity issue: an alleged vulnerability, the jargon term used for software bugs that lead to cybersecurity holes that attackers might be able to exploit for evil purposes. We're referring to it as a vulnerability here because is does have an official bug identifier, issued by the US National Institute for Standards and Technology. The bug has been dubbed CVE-2023-24055: Attacker who has write access to the XML configuration file [can] obtain the cleartext passwords by adding an export trigger. The claim about being able to obtain cleartext passwords is true. If I have write access to your personal files, including your so-called %APPDATA% directory, I can sneakily tweak the configuration section to modify any KeyPass settings that you have already customised, or to add customisations if you haven't knowingly changed anything. I can surprisingly easily steal your plaintext passwords, either in bulk, for example by dumping the whole database as an unencrypted CSV file, or as you use them, for example by setting a "Program hook" that triggers every time you access a password from the database. Note that I don't need Administrator privileges, because I don't need to mess with the actual installation directory where the KeyPass app gets stored, which is typically off-limits to regular users. I don't need access to any locked-down global configuration settings. Interestingly, KeyPass goes out of its way to stop your passwords being sniffed out when you use them, including using tamper-protection techniques to stop various anti-keylogger tricks even by users who already have sysadmin powers. The KeyPass software also makes it surprisingly easy to capture plaintext password data, perhaps in ways you might consider "Too easy", even for non-administrators. We could then copy the not-terribly-obvious XML setting for that option out of our own local configuration file into the configuration file of another user on the system, after which they too would find their passwords being leaked over the internet via DNS lookups. Even though the XML configuration data is largely readable and informative, KeePass curiously uses random data strings known as GUIDs to denote the various Trigger settings, so that even a well-informed user would need an extensive reference list to make sense of which triggers are set, and how. With this trigger active, accessing a KeePass password causes the plaintext to leak out in an unobtrusive DNS lookup to a domain of my choice, which is blah. Note that real-life attackers would almost certainly scramble or obfuscate the stolen text, which would not only make it harder to spot when DNS leaks were happening, but also take care of passwords containing non-ASCII characters, such as accented letters or emojis, that can't otherwise be used in DNS names. The tricky question is, "Is this really a bug, or is it just a powerful feature that could be abused by someone who would already need at least as much control over your private files as you have yourself?". Simply put, is it a vulnerability if someone who already has control of your account can mess with files that your account is supposed to be able to access anyway? Even though you might hope that a pssword manager would include lots of extra layers of tamper-protection to make it harder for bugs/features of this sort to be abused, should CVE-2023-24055 really be a CVE-listed vulnerability? Wouldn't commands such as DEL and FORMAT need to be "Bugs", too? Wouldn't the very existence of PowerShell, which makes potentially dangerous behaviour much easier to provoke, be a vulnerability all of its own? If you're a standalone KeyPass user, you can check for rogue Triggers like the "DNS Stealer" we created above by opening the KeyPass app and perusing the Tools > Triggers window. Note that you can turn the entire Trigger system off from this windows, simply by deslecting the [ ] Enable trigger system option. That isn't a global setting, so it can be turned back on again via your local configuration file, and therefore only protects you from mistakes, rather than from an attacker with access to your account. You can force the option off for everyone on the computer, with no option for them to turn it back on themselves, by modifying the global "Lockdown" file KeePass. XML, found in the directory where the app program itself is intalled. If you're a network administrator tasked with locking down KeyPass on your users' computers so that it's still flexible enough to help them, but not flexible enough for them to help cybercriminals by mistake, we recommend reading through the KeyPass Security Issues page, the Triggers page, and the Enforced Configuration page.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 02 Feb 2023 17:50:02 +0000

Cyber News related to Password-stealing "vulnerability" reported in KeyPass

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