Prioritizing cybercrime intelligence for effective decision-making in cybersecurity

In this Help Net Security interview, Alon Gal, CTO at Hudson Rock, discusses integrating cybercrime intelligence into existing security infrastructures.
Our discussion will cover a range of essential aspects, from the importance of continuous adaptation in cybersecurity strategies to practical advice for CISOs on enhancing threat detection and response capabilities.
We'll also explore the challenges of balancing intelligence gathering with privacy and legal considerations and look at strategies for prioritizing intelligence inputs in decision-making.
Cybercrime threats come in all shapes and forms, and cybercriminals are often highly motivated.
For us cybersecurity professionals, it takes succeeding at all times to fend off attacks.
For holistic protection, CISOs should integrate various cybercrime intelligence solutions into their security infrastructure.
It is important to ensure proper access controls are set within the organization to limit who can access sensitive information.
Hackers can take advantage of the credentials and cookies found on compromised computers to perform various cyberattacks against organizations.
This poses a significant risk to organizations, and it is crucial to monitor whether the organization has infected the computers of employees, customers, and partners.
As cybercrime evolves, it is important to continuously integrate appropriate solutions to counter cybercrime trends.
Given the vast amount of cybercrime intelligence data generated daily, it is crucial for security teams to effectively prioritize the information they use for decision-making.
To do this, I recommend security teams conduct regular risk assessments that should consider the organization's risk profile, considering historical data and similar companies in their industry.
Once the risk profile is created, security teams can leverage the most suitable threat intelligence feeds and sources.
To have a balance between gathering cybercrime intelligence and respecting privacy and adhering to legal considerations, organizations need to follow strict legal compliance, including data protection laws.
Organizations should also minimise the collection of sensitive information and focus only on essential data, and establish clear ethical guidelines for their intelligence gathering activities.
Enhancing international cooperation in cybercrime investigations is important due to the borderless nature of the internet and the sophistication of cyber criminals.
The role of public-private partnerships are important as well, allowing for the integration of law enforcement with the advanced technological and intelligence resources of cybersecurity companies, as seen in operations like Operation Nervone and Night Fury.
AI and machine learning are likely to play a significant role in cybercrime intelligence, we're already seeing some worrying trends such as sophisticated spear-phishing powered by AI and clever impersonation attacks.
Governments and organizations will need to work hard in order to enhance their response strategies.
Threat intelligence sharing will likely increase as more countries and organizations share intelligence in real-time to have quicker responses to emerging cyber threats.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 05:43:04 +0000

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