Privacy Badger Puts You in Control of Widgets

The latest version of Privacy Badger replaces embedded tweets with click-to-activate placeholders.
This is part of Privacy Badger's widget replacement feature, where certain potentially useful widgets are blocked and then replaced with placeholders.
This protects privacy by default while letting you restore the original widget whenever you want it or need it for the page to function.
The tracking happens regardless of whether you click on the widget.
This is where Privacy Badger's widget replacement comes in.
When blocking certain social buttons and other potentially useful widgets, Privacy Badger replaces them with click-to-activate placeholders.
Privacy Badger's placeholders tell you exactly what happened while putting you in control.
That's what Privacy Badger is all about though: making strong choices on behalf of user privacy and revealing how that privacy is betrayed by businesses online.
Privacy Badger isn't the first software to replace embedded widgets with placeholders for privacy or security purposes.
Privacy was under attack as social media buttons started spreading everywhere.
In 2014, ShareMeNot became a part of Privacy Badger.
While the emphasis has shifted away from social media buttons to interactive widgets like video players and comments sections, Privacy Badger continues to carry on ShareMeNot's legacy.
We will keep fixing and improving widget replacement.
To report problems, first click on Privacy Badger's icon in your browser toolbar.
Going through the link, as opposed to one of the Allow buttons, means the widget provider doesn't necessarily get to know what site you activated the widget on.
You can also right-click the link to save the widget URL; no need to visit the link or to use browser developer tools.
Privacy tools should be measured not only by efficacy, but also ease of use.
As we write in the FAQ, we want Privacy Badger to function well without any special knowledge or configuration by the user.
Privacy Badger fights to restore this control, biting back at sneaky non-consensual surveillance.
To install Privacy Badger, visit

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 15:13:12 +0000

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