SMS Phishing Messages Targets UAE Citizens, Visitors

A malicious SMS campaign that harvests personal information and credit card details is targeting citizens and visitors to the United Arab Emirates.
The text-based campaign, run by the so-called Smishing Triad Gang, impersonates the United Arab Emirates Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, and claims to be on behalf of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs.
The location of the Smishing Triad gang is unclear, but the fraudulent domains where details are collected are often registered in China.
To protect against detection, the attackers used geolocation filtering to ensure the phishing form will only appear when visited from UAE IP addresses and mobile devices.
Resecurity researchers believe the attackers may have access to a private channel where they obtained information about UAE residents and foreigners living in, or visiting, the country.
The gang could have obtained it via third-party data breaches, business email compromises, or databases purchased on the Dark Web.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 15:20:20 +0000

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