To Beat Russia, Ukraine Needs a Major Tech Breakthrough

It has developed and deployed the world's first tactical naval drone.
It jury-rigged a remarkably effective air defense system.
It is leveraging artificial intelligence to conduct high-precision missile and drone strikes.
It has consistently bested Moscow in the cyber and information spaces.
If it can scale any of these technologies, or come up with new ones, it has a fighting chance to actually win.
Zaluzhnyi has sketched out the breakthroughs Ukraine will need to win this war.
If it can do that, it may also change the future of conflict forever.
In November 2022, just nine months after Russia's full-scale invasion, Zaluzhnyi triumphantly declared that Ukraine had liberated a huge swath of territory in Ukraine's southeast.
Months prior, Kyiv had liberated Kharkiv, its second-largest city, and was continuing to push the Russian invaders back.
Now, in a surprise move, it was on track to liberate Kherson.
The speedy attacks caught Russia by surprise and prompted its extraordinary withdrawal across huge swaths of Ukrainian territory.
That run of victories, made possible by new weapon systems delivered by Ukraine's NATO allies and its own creative use of technology, drove sky-high expectations ahead of Kyiv's 2023 summer counteroffensive.
Western media anticipated that Ukraine would break through Russian lines with similar ease and speed.
Ukraine's drive to regain more territory crashed into dense and well-fortified Russian defensive lines, descending into the positional warfare that Zaluzhnyi describes.
Ukraine inched forward in some areas and retreated elsewhere.
They named this formidable defensive network for the since-ousted commander of the war effort: the Surovikin Line.
Even with advanced Western artillery and counterbattery, and advanced tank systems, Ukrainian soldiers simply couldn't advance without facing constant shelling and dense minefields.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:43:03 +0000

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