Ukraine-Russia Cyber Battles Have Real-World Impact

"The evolution of cyberattacks and malware, particularly those that have an intersection with the use of generative AI, have lowered the barrier for entry for threat actors, leading to more threats and a greater volume of attacks," he says. "A comprehensive approach involving regular security audits, network segmentation, and robust access controls can help safeguard energy infrastructure against supply chain attacks," Kowski says. "In the context of targeting Russian-speaking users and Russian companies, such attacks could have an impact that extends to other countries and companies and leads to further distrust," Walker adds. "The situation in Ukraine serves as a stark reminder that cybersecurity is not just an IT issue — it's a matter of national security with very real-world consequences," Gavish says. "By intercepting communications or distributing malware through trusted communication channels, attackers can extract sensitive data on the physical locations of personnel," Qureshi says. "This constant barrage of attacks ties up cybersecurity resources and increases the chances of a successful breach simply through persistence," he says. Dan Black, manager, Mandiant Cyber Espionage Analysis, Google Cloud, says common technologies like smartphones and tablets have become essential tools for military personnel on the front lines, providing real-time intelligence and other critical support capabilities. Malachi Walker, security adviser for DomainTools, adds a targeted cyberattack such as what’s being seen in the Russian/Ukrainian war is like pig-butchering attacks the team has observed in the financial service sector, where an attacker builds a personal relationship with their victim, gaining their trust over a period to gain a payout. "A successful attack could potentially compromise not just individual soldiers, but entire military operations or strategies," he says. "Seeing this tactic used in warfare, rather than for financial gain, impacts the operational security of a military unit," Walker explains. "All of this can significantly impact combat effectiveness, readiness, and overall military capabilities," Gavish says. Despite Ukrainian efforts to bolster cybersecurity, Russian hackers continue to refine their tools, and Russian cyber warfare tactics are varied and persistent, according to Ukraine's State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection (SSSCIP) September report. "Gamaredon's attempts to target NATO countries have significant implications for international cybersecurity cooperation," Gavish adds. "When looking at this phishing technique you need live analysis of malicious content within the file and that is why you cannot rely on signature-based, feeds-based phishing protection alone," he explains. The group has been conducting spear-phishing campaigns and using custom malware to breach Ukrainian government institutions, with the attacks undergoing constant evolution — for example, shifting to PowerShell and VBScript-based attacks. HTML smuggling techniques can bypass traditional security measures by nesting attacks within obfuscation layers like files, posing a significant threat to critical industries during conflicts. Russian-aligned cyber actors, including advanced persistent threat (APT) groups like Gamaredon, have intensified their attacks since Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Abu Qureshi, head of threat research for BforeAI, explains targeted cyberattacks aimed at military personnel through messaging apps can severely compromise operational security. Stephen Kowski, field chief technology officer (CTO) at SlashNext Email Security+, says this method of attack highlights the need for more sophisticated defense strategies that go beyond conventional antivirus solutions. The cyber campaigns focus on espionage, disruption, and social engineering to weaken Ukrainian defenses and sow discord, with efforts to compromise personal data and infiltrate secure communication channels like Signal and Telegram.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 20:45:20 +0000

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