What Is Roaming Mantis Malware and How to Protect Yourself From a DNS Changer

Roaming Mantis is a malware that has been spreading around at an alarming rate. It is a type of malware that changes the DNS setting of a device to reroute traffic from the user and collects data from the target. The malware is capable of operating on both Android and iOS devices and can hijack browsers, display malicious content, and steal personal information. It can also be used for phishing attacks, as well as site-to-site DNS hijacking and rerouting. In order to protect yourself from the Roaming Mantis malware, it’s important to be aware of your cyber-security and online threats. Here are some tips to prevent becoming a victim of the malware: • Keep your device’s operating system updated with the latest security patches. • Only download apps and software from trusted sources. • Regularly scan your device for viruses, and remove any found with the appropriate software. • Set up a firewall on your PC or Mac and mobile device to protect yourself from internet threats. • Install reliable antivirus software and keep it updated. • Watch out for phishing emails and unknown links. • Avoid clicking on suspicious pop-ups or ads. • Secure your Wi-Fi network with a strong password. • Be aware of online threats and use the tools available to you. By following these recommendations, you can help to protect yourself from Roaming Mantis malware and other online threats. It’s also a good idea to use a VPN when browsing the web and to stay informed on the latest news regarding cyber-security and data protection. Taking the necessary steps to stay safe online will go a long way in keeping your data and digital life secure.

This Cyber News was published on www.hackread.com. Publication date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 20:11:02 +0000

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