Whose Data Is It Anyway? Equitable Access in Cybersecurity

COMMENTARY. In an era of enormous data volumes and proliferated sources, cybersecurity has become a data management problem.
As we prepare for surmounting challenges ahead, it has become clear: Equitable access to our log data is not just a necessity, but a categorical imperative.
As threats evolve in sophistication and scale, new paradigms are emerging - security hinges on data management, and it's important to approach it accordingly.
The original SIEM/SOAR setup, where companies used proprietary systems to analyze and store security data, worked well enough in the pre-cloud era.
Suspected nation-state actors gained access to 6TB of sensitive data.
Response to Cyber Exploitation Cybersecurity as a whole emerged in the 1970s, during the infancy of professional-grade computers, beginning with the emergence of programs like Creeper and Reaper.
With the popularization of the Internet, cyber data expanded rapidly, making any regulation - governmental or industry standards - nearly impossible, creating confusion on who owns security data, and who should merely have access to it.
Amid these challenges, the quest for equitable access to data remains, as individuals and companies navigate a fraught digital landscape.
Aside from penalizing cybercrime, legislation has largely left data alone.
Even new enterprises have vast amounts of data within the disjointed and cumbersome security data ecosystem.
Modern cybersecurity relies heavily on our ability to gather data from the multitude of cloud services available, putting enterprises at the mercy of these platforms.
Democratized data access lies in cloud platform providers adopting a collective approach to data.
Cloud service providers, serving as primary sources of security data, play a crucial role, yet there remains little standardization in how data is formatted and delivered.
Achieving uniformity in log data management is essential for enhancing cybersecurity posture and mitigating risk, necessitating industry collaboration among cloud providers, cybersecurity vendors, and regulatory bodies to establish best practices and promote transparency in data governance.
By prioritizing resilience, adaptability, and inclusivity, organizations can better protect their digital assets and unlock future growth opportunities in the cybersecurity landscape.
Patchwork Approach Doesn't Cut It Pause for a moment and consider the sheer absurdity of it all: The modern security data stack now relies on a shambolic patchwork of log data from countless sources, each employing its own format, often devoid of any service-level agreement.
In a perfect world, everything in cybersecurity would fit together like a puzzle.
We'd have standardized formats for all our data and easy-to-follow rules for accessing it.
Governments could play a big part, setting rules that encourage good behavior and holding businesses accountable for keeping our data safe.
Cybersecurity cannot be solely about defending against threats; it must also empower organizations with their data.

This Cyber News was published on www.darkreading.com. Publication date: Fri, 17 May 2024 14:00:55 +0000

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