September 26, 2024 - Telegram is making changes to make it less attractive for users with criminal intentions, by saying it will share user IPs and phone numbers with authorities. When victims click the link, it starts a chain of redirects ( > > that ends in the automatic download of an .apk file, although some users reportedly had to use the Download button. Look out for the Download website we posted a screenshot of above: The fact that the site displays no name for the apk you just downloaded should be a red flag that it’s not be the one you wanted or that it has extra adware attached to it. Another devious feature is that MobiDash often waits for a few days before it becomes active, making it harder for the user to work out where the ads are coming from. But not just Facebook, we found that MobiDash was also being spread on certain sites that specialize in explicit content. October 1, 2024 - The Data Protection Commission has fined Meta $101M because 600 million Facebook and Instagram passwords were stored in plaintext. September 26, 2024 - Mozilla has introduced a feature called Privacy Preserving Attribution and turned it on by default, much to the chagrin of a privacy watchdog. We found that besides the phishing campaign, links to this domain were being spread on Facebook. September 27, 2024 - Researchers found a method to remotely take over any Kia with only the license plate number as a starting point. We’ll detect and remove MobiDash from your device, as well as block the start of the redirect chain. One of the characteristics that makes MobiDash stand out is that it can be added to legitimate apps without changing how the original app functions. Be careful what you click on: In the Facebook example above, you can see there is an unusual looking link. Want to stay informed on the latest news in cybersecurity? Sign up for our newsletter and learn how to protect your computer from threats. Android users, be on your guard against adware trying to infect your device.
This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Tue, 01 Oct 2024 14:43:17 +0000