A Verato survey offers perspectives on the data management strategies of healthcare executives, highlighting the crucial role of Healthcare Master Data Management in addressing key gaps, facilitating seamless data exchange, and aligning with the mandates of the 21st Century Cures Act.
Critically, while 61% of surveyed organizations have invested effort and resources into meeting the requirements of the Cures Act, only 36% report having the necessary comprehensive data quality programs in place to do so.
The 21st Century Cures Act set standards for the secure and frictionless exchange of data among payers, providers and consumers, including the establishment of an information-blocking rule that was finalized earlier this year.
Recently, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released a new proposed rule to establish information blocking disincentives for hospitals and health systems.
Under the rule, if the HHS Office of Inspector General determines an eligible hospital has participated in information blocking, that organization may be limited for incentives through the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program, the Quality Payment Program and the Medicare Shared Savings Program.
Only 41% of respondents report being able to completely comply with the info-blocking rules set forth in the Cures Act.
98% of healthcare executives expect an increase in data requests from other organizations, and 97% predict an increase in data coming into their organization from external sources.
With this influx of data, 57% believe that patient data-matching errors will result in a healthcare crisis within the next five to 10 years.
Two thirds of healthcare organizations are not completely confident in their data management infrastructure's ability to protect the integrity of patient data.
49% report that their data is still stored in fragmented, siloed systems.
97% see future negative impacts of poor data management as the amount of data coming into their organization increases-including poor patient outcomes, deterioration in care quality and more difficult billing.
89% agree that an MDM/hMDM system is required to manage the increase in data captured in different systems.
The use of an hMDM system to properly identify patients and accurately match and master their data is a foundational element of health data exchange, yet it still presents a challenge for many organizations.
This Cyber News was published on www.helpnetsecurity.com. Publication date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 04:43:05 +0000