A security hacker, ShinyHunters, has recently pled not guilty for stealing data from Just Eat, PicsArt, ChatBooks and HomeChef. ShinyHunters is accused of cyberattacks and illegal activities, including obtaining unauthorised access to sensitive data, resulting in data breaches of these companies. Prosecutors in the court argue that ShinyHunters is responsible for cyber crimes and criminal activities, such as data theft, hacking and digital theft. Law enforcement officials are actively investigating and gathering more information on ShinyHunters’ involvement in such cyber attacks. This case will likely have a major impact on the future of cybersecurity and computer crimes. As the court proceedings unfold, it remains to be seen whether or not ShinyHunters will be found guilty in the end.
This Cyber News was published on blog.cloudflare.com. Publication date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 09:09:02 +0000