SocGholish Attacks Enterprises Via Fake Browser Updates

Enterprises are being targeted by the malware known as SocGholish through deceptive browser update prompts.
This malware, notorious for its stealth and the complexity of its delivery mechanisms, has been identified in a series of incidents involving fake browser updates that trick users into downloading malicious payloads.
ESentire has recently published a report highlighting the infiltration of enterprises by the SocGholish malware.
This malware is spreading through fake browser updates and is causing significant security concerns for organizations.
The initial stage of the SocGholish attack involves compromising legitimate websites, where attackers inject malicious JavaScript code.
Unsuspecting users visiting these websites receive pop-up notifications urging them to download browser updates.
The SocGholish malware employs sophisticated evasion techniques to avoid detection by automated analysis tools.
The malware halts further actions if detected, effectively evading automated security analysis.
It employs a multi-stage infection process, beginning with the execution of obfuscated JavaScript code that further downloads additional malicious scripts based on user interaction and specific conditions, such as detecting WordPress cookies indicating an admin session.
Staging the credential data under another user is likely done for redundancy in case the main files are discovered.
The threat players then tried to use PowerShell to run a command encoded in base64.
Using the DPAPI, the decoded command gets Edge and Chrome's encryption keys for passwords and cookies and decrypts them.
The bad guys then used Powershell to run a base64-encoded command that changed the HTML signature files that Microsoft Outlook uses.
These shortcuts will be created in the network share using the last command.
The destination path takes you to the network share's location.
This is because every time the link files are opened, the C2 server is requested to get the icon file.
The SocGholish intrusion campaign used fake updates and social engineering to get inside.
They then used scripted actions to get private data and watch how users interacted with the site.
The SocGholish malware campaign underscores the critical importance of vigilance and cybersecurity hygiene in the face of increasingly sophisticated social engineering attacks.
By adopting recommended security measures and fostering a culture of awareness, enterprises can significantly mitigate the risk of falling victim to such deceptive tactics.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 09 May 2024 14:43:06 +0000

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