Truecaller AI Call Scanner detects AI voice clones in real-time

Illegitimate voice cloning and speech synthesis technologies are improving at an incalculable rate of change and are already commoditized and ubiquitous.
This next wave of AI scams will prey on the most vulnerable side of our psyche: the threat of our loved ones in danger.
Truecaller announced the latest salvo in its arsenal of spam and scam fighting abilities: the AI Call Scanner.
AI Call Scanner is trained to detect and differentiate between human voices and AI-synthesized voices, empowering people to safeguard themselves against potential scams and fraudulent activities.
The AI Call Scanner is built right into the Truecaller Android app, is part of the Premium subscription and is being rolled out in the US first, with plans to launch globally.
The system is designed with simplicity and effectiveness in mind.
If a person receives a suspicious call, all they have to do is tap a dedicated button within the Truecaller interface.
The caller's voice is recorded and this voice sample is then processed by advanced AI model, which has been trained to identify the unique characteristics of human speech and distinguish it from AI-generated voices.
All this happens in just a few seconds and with a high degree of accuracy.
While AI Call Scanner is launching on Android first, Truecaller is exploring avenues for further improvement and expansion, including an imminent iOS launch.
Truecaller's team is actively researching ways to refine the AI model's accuracy, reduce response times, and adapt to emerging trends in voice synthesis technology.
Truecaller is considering the potential integration of AI Call Scanner with other communication platforms and devices to extend its reach and impact; for example, building a chatbot where people can forward recorded clips for detection.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Wed, 29 May 2024 13:13:06 +0000

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