Application Security Testing Explained

That's precisely why application security is a top priority for security teams and a crucial consideration for DevOps.
Application security testing is like giving your software a thorough health check to ensure it's robust and resilient against cyber threats.
It includes testing, analyzing, and reporting the security level of an application as it moves through the SDLC, from planning and development to deployment and maintenance.
Given the prevalence of cyber attacks on the application layer, application security testing is essential for all organizations.
For developers who generally are not taught secure coding best practices, AST is like a second set of eyes that scrutinize code, looking for any security defects that could inadvertently expose your application.
While manual testing like code reviews and pen testing are still used, automated testing tools have become an essential part of the security toolkit.
Application security testing tools include software composition analysis, static application security testing, dynamic application security testing, and Interactive application security testing.
SAST tools scan application source code, byte code, and binaries to identify coding and design flaws that could lead to security vulnerabilities.
Dynamic application security testing is closed-box testing, with no access to source code.
It looks for security weaknesses by simulating attacks on an application while it is running.
It's no wonder that 92% of security leaders have plans to consolidate their security stack to one platform over the next 12 months.
That's where an Application Security Posture Management platform comes in.
ASPM holistically analyzes findings to distill the massive quantity of alerts into the critical 1%. With an ASPM platform, developers can focus their remediation time on the true positives that represent the biggest risk to their org while and security teams gain the visibility and control to enforce security policies.
AST helps identify a wide range of vulnerabilities that can negatively impact the security and integrity of software applications.
If you want to catch vulnerabilities early and often, you have to implement automated security testing as part of the continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline.
For security teams and developers, these plans serve as a structured framework to swiftly and effectively address unforeseen security events, enhancing organizational resilience.
This continuous awareness ensures that security measures are adaptive and aligned with the dynamic nature of cybersecurity challenges, enhancing the organization's overall security posture.
Cycode's security-first, developer-friendly AppSec platform provides visibility, prioritization, and remediation for security, engineering, and DevOps teams throughout the software development lifecycle, including application security testing.
Cycode offers a single, unified security platform that consolidates application security testing, pipeline scanning, and ASPM. In addition to our own suite of scanning tools, we can ingest data from third-party scanners to give you a full view of your application risk.
The post Application Security Testing Explained appeared first on Cycode.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 23:43:06 +0000

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