Pen Testing Across the Environment: External, Internal, and Wireless Assessments

Among other controls, penetration testing stands out because it simulates attackers' malicious activities and tactics to identify security gaps in business systems or applications.
Because pen tests thoroughly investigate vulnerabilities, the scope of each pen test must be limited and may differ from test to test.
Pen tests take on different types of perspectives: internal, external, and wireless.
In this blog, we will examine what each type of pen testing entails, who conducts these tests, and why they are all worth performing.
External pen tests vet external infrastructure, or all public-facing assets-including the internet at large.
External penetration tests are typically what people think of when they hear about pen testing.
The 2024 Pen Testing Report revealed that 78% of security professionals pen test their external infrastructure.
Internal pen testing proves internal architecture against adversaries who have already gained a foothold in the organization.
Wireless network pen testing is neither internal nor external but falls under its own category.
While most organizations honor wired pen tests, wireless penetration tests often get overlooked.
Fortra's wireless pen testing assessment of your wireless protocols identifies vulnerabilities and suggests ways to close those gaps.
Though it's easy to think that in-house teams would handle all internal tests and external/third party teams would handle external tests, this is not the case.
Both teams can conduct internal, external, and wireless pen tests.
Internal teams can mix it up by pen testing wireless assets and go in without bias.
External teams could pen test internal systems and help prevent internal teams from getting too used to the environment.
Though organizations must make tough choices when deciding which tests they have the time and resources to run, one of the most important criteria to consider is whether you're balancing internal and external tests.
Only testing externally overlooks vulnerabilities that can be exploited by a malicious insider or a compromised account.
Only testing internally can prevent organizations from inadvertently leaving a door wide open, allowing an attacker to get in without much difficulty.
They must be tested for Wi-Fi deployment weaknesses that internal and external tests leave behind.
All three are needed to honestly say that you've fully pen tested your environment - your entire environment.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 20:13:06 +0000

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