Is Once-Yearly Pen Testing Enough? A Guide to Periodic Vulnerability Assessment

Periodic vulnerability assessment (pen testing) is one of the essential components of cybersecurity. It helps companies identify and address any gaps in their network security posture before malicious actors can exploit these gaps. Pen testing, or ethical hacking, is an increasingly popular practice that involves testing the security of a computer system, network or application by simulating an attack from a malicious entity. A competent pen tester can help to find serious security flaws, including weak passwords, unpatched software flaws, or gaps in authentication or authorization rules. The traditional approach to pen testing is to conduct once-yearly assessments. Many organizations do not consider it feasible or cost-effective to do more frequent assessments. But this approach may be insufficient considering the rapid rate at which technology and threats evolve. In the new compliance landscape, regulators are expecting organizations to reassess their security practices and infrastructure regularly. There are certain industry best practices that organizations can adopt to reduce their risk without needing to conduct a full assessment every time. Organizations should have a well-defined security policy that covers the fundamentals of their security posture, such as acceptable use and logging policies. They should also routinely review their privacy policies and compliance landscape to ensure that data is secure. Network penetration testing and web application security testing should also be part of the regular assessment cycle. Penetration testing allows security professionals to simulate an attack from unauthorized attackers, uncover existing issues, and identify exposed ports, devices, and application vulnerabilities. Web application security testing is essential for detecting and preventing issues in dynamic web applications, such as weak authentication, script injection, and privileged access. Organizations should also ensure that their endpoints and networks are secure by performing regular digital forensics and risk assessments. Digital forensics provides an in-depth view of what happened prior to, during, and after an incident. Risk assessment helps organizations determine how vulnerable they are, identify any potential threats, and decide how to mitigate potential risks. No system is ever 100% secure, so it’s important for organizations to stay ahead of the curve and be regularly assessing their technology infrastructure, policies, and practices. Regular security audits, risk audits and risk mitigation measures are essential for staying on top of evolving threats and maintaining the safety of digital assets. Periodic vulnerability assessment is a great way to do this. By following best practices and conducting frequent pen tests, organizations can better protect their networks and data from malicious actors.

This Cyber News was published on Publication date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 15:22:03 +0000

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